1. DC Drives
1.1. Manual
speed control (speed potentiometer on operator panel)
1.1.1. Machine
should be filled with water and placed in a running step such as a hold
or circulate to allow the drives to run. Start the drives and turn
the speed pot to the maximum speed position (fully clockwise).
1.1.2. Set
multimeter for VDC (volts DC). Measure the armature voltage at
each drives armature terminals and adjust the "MAX" trimpot on
the drive for 180 VDC output.
1.1.3. Using
tachometer, measure the RPM of the #1 lifter reel (left side of
machine). Multiply this by the multiplier factor determined above
in Prerequisites section. This is the maximum lifter speed allowed
on your machine. Place this number in the parameter table of the
controller in the "Max. lifter speed" setting. This will
cause the controller to display the correct speed.
1.1.4. Adjust
remaining drives on the machine by adjusting the "MAX" trimpot
until the RPM of each lifter matches the speed of the #1 reel. The
armature output voltage may vary slightly from the measured voltage on
the #1 drive.
1.2. Automatic
speed control (speed programmed in procedure)
1.2.1. Before
proceeding, check the machines parameter table and note the setting for
"Max. lifter reel speed." Create a test procedure that
contains the following steps;
RSPS - Reel speed = [Max
speed]; Pump speed = [typical setting]
CIRC - Circulate = 15 minutes
RSPS - Reel speed = [Min. speed, typically 1]; Pump speed = [typical
CIRC - Circulate = 15 minutes
The first part of the
procedure should include a fill step so the drives will be enabled to
1.2.2. With
the drives running at MAX speed, adjust the MAX trimpot on each KBSI
240D isolator module so it outputs 6.2 VDC to the drive. This
output is on terminals 11 & 12 of the KBSI board. Jump the
controller to the next RSPS to run the drive at MIN speed. Adjust
the output of the KBSI board for 0 VDC using the MIN trimpot on the
board. Repeat these steps several times by jumping the controller
back and forth. After a few repetitions, no further adjustment
will be necessary.
1.2.3. Set
multimeter for VDC. Measure the armature voltage at each drives
armature terminals. With the drive running at MAX speed, adjust
the "MAX" trimpot on each drive for 180 VDC output.
1.2.4. Tach
the RPM's of the #1 reel. Adjust the MAX trimpot on other lifter
drives until the RPM's of each lifter match the speed of the #1
reel. Multiply the RPM's by the factor determined in
"Prerequisites". This number will be placed in the
machine's parameter table under "Max lifter reel speed."