MP6000 controllers with XYCOM 2005 operator interface screen. This
procedure is for reloading screen software from another comparable machine.
Communication cable. AT or XT type keyboard.
- Attach cable to secondary serial ports of both Xycoms.
- Attach the keyboard to the Xycom that will be receiving programs. ( If
using a XT keyboard. Remove back cover plate and set dipswitch #1 to the on
or closed position. See figure 2.1.)
- Apply power to this Xycom.
- Press F10 on the external keyboard twice. This will bring up the setup
main menu on the Xycom.
- Choose option #2, Program Utilities. This will bring up the Program
Utilities menu.
- Choose option #6, Erase.
- Erase starting at which program ? (1-255) . Choose 1
- Number of programs to erase ? (1-255) . Choose 255
- Ok to erase program 1 to 255 ? (y/n) Choose y
- After erase is complete - Press any key to continue.
- At the Program Utilities menu , Press enter.
- At the Main Menu, Choose option #!, Configuration.
- AT the Primary Serial Port Configuration Menu, verify that the following
items are Set correctly.
- Baud Rate 19.2K = 7
- Parity enabled = 1
- Odd Parity = 1
- Data Bits = 0
- Stop Bit = 0
- Disable Multiplex Handshaking = 0
- Press C for the next configuration menu.
- Verify that the following items are set correctly.
- Baud Rate 9600 = 6
- Even Parity = 0
- Parity Disabled = 0
- Data Bits = 1
- Full Duplex = 1
- Handshaking Enabled = 1
- Xon/Xoff = 0
- Dont Echo Input = 0
- Press Enter
- From the Main Menu, Choose option #3, Backup/Restore.
- From the Backup/Restore Menu, choose option #2, Xycom is now waiting to
receive the program.
- Disconnect the keyboard from this Xycom.
- Attach the keyboard to the Xycom that will be sending the programs.
- Apply power to this Xycom.
- Press F10 twice on the keyboard to bring up the setup menu.
- From the main menu, choose option #1, Configuration.
- Press C for the next configuration menu.
- Verify that the Baud Rate is set to 9600. If not, change it to 9600 and
press enter.
- From the Main Menu, choose option #3, Backup/Restore.
- Choose option #1, Backup Programs.
- Choose P to backup programs.
- Choose A to backup all programs. The Xycom is now transmitting
programs to the Second Xycom.
- After the backup is complete, Press enter twice on both Xycoms.
- Turn the power off to both Xycoms.
- Disconnect the external keyboard.
- Disconnect the cable from both Xycoms.
- Turn the power on to both Xycoms. The Xycoms should boot up and be ready
for Operation.
- If the Xycom that has just been loaded does not display the start screen,
go back to the configuration screen as described above. On the third
configuration screen there is a parameter that is called "Startup
Program Block Number." Make sure that parameter is set to 1.