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SuperTex is a proven dyehouse management system with more than 120 installations throughout the world.  Because SuperTex packages are modular, you can start with the basic system then expand with additional software modules as your business needs grow.
    SuperTex software modules are tailored for the specific needs of the textile industry.  Specialized modules are available to:
bulletIncrease machine production
bulletReduce dye and chemical cost and waste
bulletIdentify manufacturing inefficiencies
bulletImprove formula management and reduce dyeing errors
bulletImprove product uniformity and quality
bulletImprove workflow and worker efficiency
bulletManage utility demand
bulletSentryLINK online global support system provides direct connection between our software engineers and your system

SuperTex features and options:

bulletModern Oracle® database technology
bulletRedundant (backup) servers
bulletUninterruptable power supplies
bulletModem support (maintenance agreement required)
bulletAdd-on modules for expanded features





Copyright © 2014 by Gaston County Dyeing Machine Company.  All rights reserved. 

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